Saturday, February 03, 2007
Sunday, February 4, 2007 Distance 1000
Today's practice is distance with the longest swim being 1000 yards for most lanes. After that the distances decrease until you get to warm down. Below is the expert lane and includes 4,000 yards.
Warm Up
200 Free
200 Pull
100 Choice
100 IM
100 Kick
4x50 drill
Main Set
3x100 long and stretched out
50 Ez
50 Ez
6x50 kick (:55-1:00)
50 Ez
4x200 Pull (2:30-2:40)
4x100 choice (1:35-1:40)
Warm Down
100 choice
Warm Up
200 Free
200 Pull
100 Choice
100 IM
100 Kick
4x50 drill
Main Set
3x100 long and stretched out
50 Ez
50 Ez
6x50 kick (:55-1:00)
50 Ez
4x200 Pull (2:30-2:40)
4x100 choice (1:35-1:40)
Warm Down
100 choice