Sunday, December 19, 2010


Dec 22, 2010 - 500s

This week is a recovery week. The pace is meant to be easy. Below is the expert lane set.

Warm Up
200 Free
200 Pull
200 Choice
200 Kick

Main Set
2x250 (50kick, 100 drill, 100 free)
500 Free
500 Pull
5x100 (50 kick/50 choice)
5x100 Free (1:20/1:25)
Broken 500 (150, 125, 100, 75, 50)

Warm Down
200 Choice


Dec 20, 2010 - Various

This week is the last week of the progression and is supposed to be at a relatively easy pace. Below is the expert lane set.

Warm Up
200 Choice
2x100 Pull
100 Free
100 Kick

8x50 (50 drill, 50 swim, Reverse IM order)
8x50 Kick IM order
6x100 IM descend 1-3, 4-6 (1:30/1:35)
2x50 Free long push off
2x50 Free low stroke count
2x50 Free fast turn over
6x100 Free/Pull desc 1-3, 4-6 (1:20/1:25)
4x100 Choice
100 Choice Super fast

Warm Down
100 easy

Sunday, December 12, 2010


Dec 13, 2010 - Faster Kicking and Anaerobic work

Goal for practice, work above aerobic level, you should be swimming a pace ABOVE that which can be done for a long time, you should need the rest given. You can choose to do an aerobic practice, but without some anaerobic work you'll get stuck in a rut.

Warm Up
200 Free
3x100 Pull
100 Kick

6 x 100 [50 drill, 50 swim]

Main Set - We will do this all together.
4 min kick one length hard, one length mod to easy, the idea is to get the heart rate up, rather than achieving a specific distance
On 2:15 -- 5x100 fast free (lane 1 should do fast 50s) (or aerobic 100s or if you can do faster than a 1:30 pace, you can do aerobic 150s)
4 min kick one length hard, one length mod to easy, the idea is to get the heart rate up, rather than achieving a specific distance
On 3:00 5x (100 or 150) fast choice (or if you can do a 1:30 pace, you can do aerobic 200s)

Warm Down
6 to 10 x 50 choice on 1:00
200 Choice

Sunday, December 05, 2010


Dec 8, 2010 - Drills, Pull, Kick, Free

This continues week 2 of a 4 week build with the emphasis on Pulling, Kicking, Drills at an Aerobic pace (EN1/EN2) - not a lot of rest, but NOT fast

Warm Up
500 Choice

Main Set
6x50 Drill alt catch up and fist
6x50 Free with 4 dolphin kicks off wall
3x300 Pull (4:00/4:15)
4x50 Kick
3x200 Pull (2:40/2:50)
4x50 Drill alt 1 arm and zipper
4x50 Kick
5x100 Free (1:20/1:30)

Warm Down
100 Choice


Dec 6, 2010 - Drills, Free, Kick, Pull (shorter distances)

This is week two of 4 wk build. Pulling Kicking, Drills Aerobic pace EN 1/En 2 – not a lot of rest, but not fast. Below is the expert lane set.

Warm Up
500 Choice

Main Sets
5x50 Free with 4 dolphin kicks off wall
5x50 Free no breaths between flags and wall
5x100 Free (1:20/1:30)
5x50 Kick
5x100 Pull (1:20/1:30)
8x50 drills (rotate IM, fly/back, back/breast, etc.)
4x100 IM (1:35/1:45)
5x50 Kick
3x100 Pull (1:20/1:30)

Warm Down
100 Choice

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