Tuesday, January 31, 2006


Monday, February 6, 2006 Workout (from Swim Magazine)

February 6, 2006 Speed and Mid Dist
Intermediate (3,200 yards)

Warm Up
200 Choice
6x100 alt swim/kick/drill by 100

8x25 kick odds build, evens fast
4x25 build to fast last half think speed
4x50 fast in and out of turns
4x25 1st half of 25 fast, 2nd half ez
4x50 descend to fast

Main Set
4x100 (2 fast, 1 mod, 1 ez) on 1:50
4x100 pull (2 fast, 1mod, 1 ez) on 1:50
4x100 (2 fast, 1 mod, 1 ez) on 1:50
3x100 choice

Warm up
100 EZ


Sunday, February 5, 2006 Workout (from Swim Magazine)

February 5, 2006 Terrible 2s??
Intermediate (3,350)

300 Choice
200 Pull
150 Kick

3x100 Kick (25 right side, 25 on stomach, 25 left side, 25 on back)
3x100 Free Drill (1st 100 1 arm, second 100 catch up, third 100 ¾ catchup)

Main Set
4x200 (alternate pull and swim, pulls must be faster than swims) (3:25)
4x100 Choice (2:10)
4x200 (alternate pull and swim, pulls must be faster than swims) (3:25)

Warm Up
100 warm down

Tuesday, January 24, 2006


New Breast Stroke Rule

Click here for comment on New Breast Stroke Rule As the comment in the blog stated, this will probably mean fewer disqualifications in breast stroke. In the past I've been disqualified and so has Rick for a "dolphin kick" off the wall during breast stroke. For me, the dolphin motion of the body follows naturally during the pull down. PJI


Supplements - what am I getting?

This post is not about whether or not to take dietary supplements, but rather to reflect on a recent article that I read in Business Week which raises a concern about quality. Supplements are not regulated very strongly. Since there isn't very good regulation of these substances, the lack of information has spawned the development of a commerical lab at www.ConsumerLab.com that does testing. This isn't a non-profit or governmental lab, but a commerical venture making money (so I tend to be somewhat skeptical). However, some of their results are somewhat concerning. For example, the lab tested multi-vitamins and found that most were ok, but some did not disolve (what good does that do you), some were deficient in the amount of ingredients that they say they have, and some even contained lead (wait.. I wanted to get the lead out, not put it in me). Consumers Reports did a report on Sport-Supplements back in June of 2001 and it's focus was more on whether they are beneficial or not, but it said "Any dietary supplement can be marketed without advance testing under current federal law. The only restriction: The label can't claim the product will treat, prevent, or cure a disease. But a label can traffic in vague claims like 'enhances energy' or 'supports testosterone production.' If serious problems are reported, it's up to the FDA to prove they are real before it can order a supplment off the market or impose other restrictions. So far that has not happened." So if I've got a protein supplement; how do I verify its ingredients. Any suggestions? Hmmm, maybe I'll stick to the known, like the mercury ridden solid white albacore tuna. :-)


Monday, January 30, 2006 Workout

Monday, January 30, 2006
Intermediate (3,300)
IM and Free Set (distances will vary by level)
100 Free
50 Back
100 Breast
100 Pull
50 Kick

4x50 drill wait for coach

100, 50 Fly
4x100 Free
150, 100, 50 Back
4x100 Pull
150, 100, 50 Breast
4x100 Free
200, 100, 50 Pull
2x100 IM

2x100 Warm Down


Sunday, January 29, 2006 Workout

Sunday, January 29, 2006
Aerobic Distance Set
Intermediate (3,400)
200 Choice
100 Free

4x50 drill wait for coach

Main Set
100, 200, 300, 400, 400, 300, 200, 100 (10-15 sec rest, or when 4th person gets to wall
100 Ez kick
4x100 Choice (some lanes will not do the choice set)

100 Warm Down

Monday, January 23, 2006


Monday, January 23, 2006 Workout

Monday, January 23, 2006 Workout
Intermediate Level

Warm up
100 Free
100 Pull
100 Back
100 Breast
100 Kick

4x25 drills wait for coach

4x 150 where 150 is (50 drill, 50 swim, 50 kick)
200 Pull
Set of Maximum Effort
SHORT SPRINT SET – Maximum speed without lactate acid build up 10 x 25 ALL out on 2 minutes (choice, or alt free and stroke)
6x50 Choice 1:10
3x100 Pull 1:50

100 Warm Down

Sunday, January 22, 2006


Sunday, January 22, 2006 Workout

Sunday, January 22, 2006 Workout
Intermediate Level (3,300 yds plus drills)

Warm up
200 EZ Free
200 Pull
100 Choice
100 Kick

Drills wait for coach

Main Set
500 mod Pull
400 Swim
100 ez (2:00)
300 Swim
4x50 kick
200 Swim
3x100 mod (1:50)
100 Swim
4x100 fast (1:45)

200 warm down

Saturday, January 21, 2006


Anacortes Meet, February 21, 2006

I drove up to Anacortes for a short course yards meet. I'm doing the Check-Off Challenge. That's where you swim all 18 meet events during the year. It can be in practice or at meets. As I do the events, I'm going to check them off on a t-shirt that I'll be getting for this challenge. I swam the 200 fly (3:24, I finished, yeah), 400 IM (6:27 ohhh myyy.. will it ever end...), 100 breast (1:26 at terrible time for me), and 500 free (7:13, a good time) . Now I have 14 events left to go. My meet was generally slow, but I got a pep talk by the woman who counted laps for me on the 500. She is a friend of friends and her little pep talk really motivated my 500. Amazing what a little motivation can do. Nick also showed up for the meet. He swam the 100 free and the 100 breast. There was a 19 year old from Oak Harbor who swam the 100 fly in 54. He left everyone in the dust, but the star attraction at the meet was Marion Chadwick who is 84. She swam the 500 free. The whole place broke out into applause when she finished.

Friday, January 13, 2006


Monday, January 16th Workout

Monday, January 16, 2006
This set is an aerobic set. Work your technique in the drills and work a constant but hard pace in the distance.
Intermediate (3,300)
Warm up
200 Pull
100 Free
100 Breast
100 Back

Don't rush these. These aren't about how fast you can do them. You should be working your technique.
4 x 50 Kick on side – right side down, left side back think about good body position
2 x 50 Free think about high elbows
2 x 50 Stupid Drill (hands come out of water, then drop to touch thigh, then normal recovery of arm)
2 x 50 swim like a pencil. Concentrate on making your body straight like a pencil.

Main set
3x100 free (1:50)
3x100 back or breast (1:55)
300 pull (:20 sec rest)
600 free
300 pull or free (:20 sec rest)
3x100 IM (1:55)

Warm Down
2x100 choice


Sunday, January 15th Workout

Sunday, January 15, 2006
This workout is Marty's favorite type off set. The pattern is a short easy swim, a longer hard swim, and a short easy swim. This is meant to work your strength. Be sure to make the shorter swims easy and push the longer ones.
Intermediate (3,100)
Warm Up
150 Choice
150 Free
200 Pull
100 Drill

Main Set
Do twice (1st time free 2nd time Pull)
50 1:05
100 1:45 fast
50 1:05
50 1:05
200 3:30 fast
50 1:05
50 1:05
100 1:45 fast
50 1:05

Intermediate easy set
6 x 50 Kick 1:30

Second Main Set
50 1:15
100 2:00 fast
50 1:15
100 2:15
100 2:00 fast
100 2:15
50 1:15
100 2:00 fast
50 1:15

100 Warm Down


Friday, January 13 Workout (by Chris)

Friday, January 13, 2006
Chris’s Workout
Intermediate (2,700 plus warm up)
10 minute Warm-up, what ever you want to do during the period

5x200 (first one free, second kick, third IM, fourth pull, fifth free)

Main Set 3 times the following:
3x50 kick
2x100 FAST
2x75 descend

Warm Down
2x100 pull

Wednesday, January 11, 2006


Wednesday, January 11 Workout

Here is the workout today a total of 4,000
300 warm up
First Main Set
10x100 Pull on 1:30 (This was a push)
second warm up
500 swim
Second Main Set
3x200 (50 kick/50 swim or 50 drill/50 swim)
4x200 Pull
3x200 Swim descend
200 cool down


Monday, January 9th Workout

Below is the swim workout for Monday January 9
Warm Up
200 Drill Free
200 Free
200 Pull
200 Choice
200 Kick

8x50 free descend stroke count (1-4, 5-8) (:50)

Main Set
Wait everyone will start the next set at the same time. In the next set you should get at least 45 seconds rest. If you don’t get that much drop 50 yards
6x300 free, on 5 minutes, or 250s non-free on 5 minutes (this should be a push)

Secondary Set
4x50 kick
400 pull mod pace

Warm Down
200 Choice


New Blog

I'm trying out blogging and I'll use it to post stuff on Swimming and other related interests

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