Sunday, May 23, 2010


May 24, 2010 - Mixed

Tonight is a mixed night. Lane 6 asked for back. Lanes 4 and 5 have asked to be prepared for a 70.3 half ironman. So the workout varies by lane

Lane 6
Warm up
200 Free, 200 Pull, 200 Choice, 200 Kick
8x50 back (25 kick, hard and far from wall, ez swim back)
8x50 drill (alternate 50 with fast spin for first 12 yards, and 50 touch opposite shoulder)
6x100 back on 1:35/1:40 descend 1-3 and 4-6 (the fast ones should have fast kick off wall)
2x100 easy
8x50 breast kick
4x50 breast drills (alt 2 kick per pull and 2 pulls per kick)
4x50 breast work pull out (with kick) and turns (low head… elvis)
6x100 Breast 1:40 desc 1-3,4-6
Warm Down 200 choice

Lanes 4 and 5 (getting ready for a tri)
Warm up
200 Free, 200 Pull, 200 Choice, 100 Kick
4x50 free (25 kick/25 drill)
4x50 free (25 dril/25 swim)
500 (lane 5 do twice)
4x100 free hard 5 sec rest
Warm Down 200 choice

Lane 3
Warm Up
200 Free, 200 Pull, 100 Choice, 100 Kick
8x50 Kick down drill back IM order
8x50 Swim down/ drill back (IM Order)
6x00 IM (2:00) (descend 1-3, 4-6)
4x50 kick free on side
2x50 catch up
2x50 fist
2x50 low stroke count
3x100 free (1:50) descend 1-3
3x100 Pull (1:50)
Warm Down 100 Choice

Lane 2 (smilar to 3)
Warm Up
200 Free, 200 Pull, 100 Choice, 100 Kick
4x50 Kick down drill back IM order
4x50 Swim down/ drill back (IM Order)
6x00 IM (descend 1-3, 4-6)
4x50 kick free on side
2x50 catch up
2x50 fist
2x50 finger tip drag
2x50 low stroke count
3x100 free (1:50) descend 1-3
3x100 Pull (1:50)
Warm Down 100 Choice

Lane 1
Warm Up
2x100 Free, 100 Pull, 100 Choice, 100 Kick
2x50 kick on side (lower arm over head, top arm by side)
2x50 catch up
2x50 fist
2x50 fingertip drag
2x50 low stroke count
6x50 free
6x50 pull
2x50 free kick
2x50 breast kick
6x50 breast
2x50 back kick
4x50 back
Warm Down 100 choice

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