Monday, April 09, 2007


Monday, April 9, 2007 - Free Emphasis with 25s at end

Todays practice emphasizes free style. There are some "golf" drills for freestyle after warm-up. These involve counting your strokes and getting your time for each 50. The goal is to get the lowest sum of stroke count and time. Suppose it takes you 34 strokes to swim 50 yards and you do this in 45 seconds. This give you a score of 34+45=79. You can drop your score by taking fewer strokes or by going faster. The idea is to get the lowest number. The intent of this drill is to work on efficient pulling through the water.

Below is today's practice for the expert lane.

Warm Up
600 Choice

4x50 Golf

Main Set
3x200 free descend (2:35/2:45)
4x50 Kick (:55/1:00)
300 free,
2x150 free,
3x50free fst
300 pull,
2x150 pull,
3x50 pull
100 ez
12x25 free every 3rd race pace

Warm Down
200 Choice

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