Sunday, January 11, 2009
Jan 12, 2008 Practice
Below are the sets for the expert lane. The total yardage is 4,000 yards
Warm Up
300 Free
100 Breast
100 Back
100 IM
100 Kick
2x50 Kick on Side, 2x50 fist, 2x50 catch up
Main Set
4x125 (25 side kick, 25 fist, 25 catch up, 75 swim) rest :20
500, 400, 300, 200, 100, rest increases by :10 each time, pull the evens
100 Ez
5x100 Non-Free Build (1:45)
6x50 drill down swim back (:55)
Cool Down
100 Choice
Warm Up
300 Free
100 Breast
100 Back
100 IM
100 Kick
2x50 Kick on Side, 2x50 fist, 2x50 catch up
Main Set
4x125 (25 side kick, 25 fist, 25 catch up, 75 swim) rest :20
500, 400, 300, 200, 100, rest increases by :10 each time, pull the evens
100 Ez
5x100 Non-Free Build (1:45)
6x50 drill down swim back (:55)
Cool Down
100 Choice