Sunday, February 25, 2007


Monday, February 26, 2007 Free emphasis with IM and choice between

The practice below is meant to work speed on freestyle. The kick and other strokes in between the free sets are meant to be moderate to easy efforts. In these "other" sections, swimmers may substitute their choices as long as they don't hold up the lane. Below is the selection for the expert lane and is 3,600 yards long.

Warm Up
300 Free
100 Back
100 Breast
100 Pull
100 Kick

Main Set
4x50 Kick
4x25 rest :15 (alt fast and ez)
6x50 Back on :50
4x50 rest :15 (1st ez, 2nd 25 fast 25 ez, 3rd 50 fast, 4th 50 ez)
6x50 Breast on :50
4x75 rest :20 (1st 25 fast 50 ez, 2nd 50 fast 25 ez, 3rd 75 fast, 4th 75 ez
2x100 IM on 1:30
4x100 rest :30 (1st 50 fast 50 ez, 2nd 75 fast 25 ez, 3rd 100 fast, 4th 100 ez
2x100 Choice on 1:35/1:40
4x125 rest :30 sec (1st 75 fast 50 ez, 2nd 100 fast 25 ez, 3rd 125 fast, 4th 125 ez

Warm Down
200 Choice


Sunday, February 25, 2007 Distance 500s

This practice emphasizes aerobic base with a set of distance swims. Below is for the expert lane and is 4,000 yards long. Other lanes have less yardage.

Warm Up
200 Free
200 Kick
200 Pull

Continued Warm Up
1st 12 kicks per pull
2nd catchup
3rd 50 right arm 50 free
4th 50 left arm 50 free
5th DPS

Main Set
3x500 1st one is pull
100 ez
3x200 1st one is pull
100 ez
3x100 1st one is pull
100 ez

Warm Down
200 Choice

Sunday, February 18, 2007


Monday, February 19, 2007 50s on 2 minutes

The practice tonight is a challenge set of 50s on two minutes for time.
What is below is for the expert lane; however, every lane will be doing 50s on 2 minutes.

Warm Up
800 choice

4x50 drills by coach

Further warm up
6x100 free on 1:25

Main Set
10 50s on 2 Minutes (wait for coach)
There are supposed to be fast with the last as fast as the first. You don’t have to give times. You may swim 100s or 150s on 2:00, but you must go last in the lane and NO TIMES will be recorded.

Stretch out
6x100 pull or choice swim, steady pace

Warm Down
200 choice


Sunday, February 19, 2007 30 minutes of 100s

Today's practice is 30 minutes of 100s. This should be working your endurance and base. What is below is for the expert lane.

Warm Up
200 Choice
2x50 catch-up drill
2x50 1 arm
2x50 DPS


Warm Up Continued
2x50 2 breaths per 50
200 free
200 kick

Main Set
6 100s 1:30
6 100s 1:25
5 100s 1:20
5 100s 1:15
100 Ez
2x (100 choice, 50 kick, 100 choice)

Warm Down
200 Choice

Sunday, February 11, 2007


Monday, February 12, 2007 IM and Sprint

This practice works IM and sprints. It starts out with a pull set to help get warmed up after the drills. Then there are sets of IM followed by some sprint work. Below is the expert lane practice.

Warm Up
200 Free
100 Choice
100 IM
100 Kck

4x50 Drills given by coach

Mail Set
3x200 Pull (2:50)
100 Ez
5x100 IM (1:35)
100 Ez
8x50 Kick
100 Ez
2x200 IM (3:15)
100 Ez
6x50 quality sprint on 2:00

Warm Down
200 Choice


Sunday, February 11, 2007 Aerobic Pyramid

This days practice is a freestyle pyramid in order to build aerobic endurance. Below is for the expert lane and is 4,000 yards long

Warm Up
200 Choice
100 Free
6x50 Kick

4x50 drill given by coach

Main Set
100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 400, 300, 200, 100 (10-15 sec rest, or when 4th person gets to wall)
100 Ez kick
4 x 100 Choice

Warm Down
200 choice

Saturday, February 03, 2007


Monday, February 5, 2007, Fly Emphasis

This practice emphasizes fly, but not too much. Feel free to drill fly especially if you have stiff shoulders. Don't over do it. The set below is for the expert lane and is 3,600 yards without including yardage for drills.

Warm Up
200 Free
200 Pull
100 Choice
100 IM
100 Kick

Fly Drill wait for coaches direction

Main Set
4x50 Fly
50 Ez
3x300 Free
50 Ez
3x100 Fly
50 Ez
3x200 Pull
6x50 Fly Kick
50 Ez
3x100 (1st 25 Fly, 2nd 75 Free)

Warm Down
100 choice


Sunday, February 4, 2007 Distance 1000

Today's practice is distance with the longest swim being 1000 yards for most lanes. After that the distances decrease until you get to warm down. Below is the expert lane and includes 4,000 yards.

Warm Up
200 Free
200 Pull
100 Choice
100 IM
100 Kick

4x50 drill

Main Set
3x100 long and stretched out
50 Ez
50 Ez
6x50 kick (:55-1:00)
50 Ez
4x200 Pull (2:30-2:40)
4x100 choice (1:35-1:40)

Warm Down
100 choice

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